Stand Out in the Crowd – Making the Most of Your Exhibition Stand
Miracle May 31, 2021 ArticleStand Out in the Crowd – Making the Most of Your Exhibition Stand
If you are looking to exhibit this year, you need to make sure that every penny is well spent and that means making sure your exhibiting process and your stand are well thought out.
Before you begin working out the look of your stand, it is important to identify its function and your objectives for the exhibition. If the aim is to meet with existing customers and build relationships with them, it may be important to have a comfortable seating area or even a private meeting room within the stand. If the objective is to gather information and data from as many visitors as possible, you will need to attract visitors to your stand and make sure you have the right equipment in order to quickly and easily take their details.
One thing that your stand will allow you to do, whatever your objectives, is to showcase your products to potential users or buyers. To this end it is important to make sure that you give your stand a USP, something to differentiate it from all the others around it. This might be as simple as identifying a new product or it might be placing something large and wacky on the stand. There is a hotel in Chicago with a large cow sculpture attached to the front of the building. I can’t remember the name of the hotel but I will be able to find it again because of the cow. There are hundreds of stands at any exhibition. Give your stand a reason to be remembered.
Choose a stand space that will give you traffic flow from as many directions as possible. Corner positions are ideal but there are never enough of them. Alternatively choose a position en route or close to a cafe, the entrance/exit or close to another key company that you know will have plenty of visitors!
As soon as you register for your chosen exhibition, you will be provided with a floor plan from which to choose your stand space. There are two types of exhibition stand space – Space Only and Shell Scheme. Space Only stands give you just that, the space. It is then up to you to build your entire stand from the floor up. This will undoubtedly give you the potential for the most eyecatching, exciting stand design but will also come with a fairly hefty budget requirement.
Shell Scheme stands are basically three flat walls, a floor and a facia panel into which you can put your own graphics or use your own Pop-up stand within the structure. This is a far lower cost option than Space Only, However, the end result will not give you the freedom to be as eyecatching.
If you have the budget to play with, then the Space Only and bespoke stand will have the best impact.
Choose your exhibition stand position to gain as much exposure as possible. Being on a corner is good as you get people coming towards your stand from different directions. Positions close to cafes are generally good, providing they are not tucked away in a corner. This also gives you the opportunity to grab a coffee with prospects or customers without needing to go far from the stand which is helpful if there are not many of you manning the stand. Choosing a stand close to a ‘popular’ stand, or known brand /attraction can be helpful as you know it will attract visitors to your area.…
Drawing Customers Made Easy
Ever wondered why some outlets engage your instant notice whereas some don’t. Are you the one pondering over how to increase sale. If you think that merely having a shop would suffice, think again. To have a business space is not enough. To make your business work matters the most and surely holds tons of importance. When it comes to driving more people into your shop for purchasing, the only solution to attract more customers is advertising. It is not only limited to distributing leaflets. One must go an extra mile to reap extra profits. A little more from your end can turn out be a big profit.
Advertising has various aspects and thus there are many means to reach people. If you succeed in telling others that you exist in any given business, you are surely on the right track. Easier said than done; It’s a big challenge to let others know about your presence in the market. One has to employ various techniques to ensure the desired output. Being dogmatic about the ways of advertising and following conventional methods can lead to failure. Keeping a broader view and knowing the customers well is extremely important. Your personal values and beliefs may sometime differ but should never interfere in identifying customers’ needs. The broader perspective makes it easy to analyze current trends. The trends need not be product-oriented all the time- it can be marketing-oriented as well. If you are able to fill the advertising gaps, selling a product becomes easy.
To advertise better and to reach the customer’s mind, one must employ different means. One flat way might not be very successful. For an example, just distributing pamphlets is not sufficient; one can widen the prospects by offering discounts. Putting banners can really be very helpful. Banner stands intelligently utilizing the space available surely attracts many people at one time. Interesting posters or images are again helpful. These are the easiest and quickest means to catch the attention of customers. If one has the option, cut-outs also play an important role (depending on the type of the product one deals into). Cut-outs are easily noticeable and customers usually notice different things.
Even proper light arrangements can also bring your shop into notice. LED-light boxes or bright letters are truly successful in bringing forth your point of sale. Prominent display of your product on mannequins is nevertheless a great idea. Direct display of the products draws more customers quite easily. Roll-up banner stands with tantalizing visuals lure customers to enter the outlet. With these advertising means one can mark an impression on the customer’s mind and the effect is pretty long-lasting.…
Exhibition Stand – Key Points to Consider to Ensure Exhibition Success
Miracle May 23, 2021 ArticleExhibition Stand – Key Points to Consider to Ensure Exhibition Success
We are all aware of the potential of exhibiting our products and services in places where targeted customers gather. The best examples of these are conferences, events or exhibitions.
The exhibition stand used to market your products should be well designed. During conferences, events and exhibitions there will be many competing stands and it is important that yours is designed in a way that it attracts the attention of exhibition visits.
A successful one needs to find the balance of having a large display area and being easy to assemble and transport. It also needs to effectively utilize the exhibition booth or area that you have been assigned in the exhibition, without taking up a large part of it and ensuring that there is enough space for others to come in and meet you and your colleagues to ask questions.
They should also be of high quality as they will need to be transported to and from each exhibition and will often need to be assembled several times before the actual exhibition itself.
An exhibition stand is an important marketing tool in any industry, whether it is real estate, technology or any other sector. For each industry, there is usually a certain type that is used and it is important to let the designer or supplier know the sector that you are targeting. This will ensure that the one that they supply you with is industry specific and ideal for the exhibition that you will be taking part in.
When choosing a designer or manufacturer, it is important that they produce high quality stands. Ensure that they have good feedback and check their testimonials to get a good understanding of their reputation for producing these. It is crucial to remember that the one they will provide you with will be displaying your marketing message and will be the first thing that most exhibition visitors will see about your company on the day.…
What is enterprise software development?
Enterprise software development focuses on a company’s needs rather than individual user’s needs. Since enterprise apps are used within a company, they are developed based on the internal environment and business processes. Organizations of different sizes and industries have different demands. The goal of enterprise applications is to fulfill a company’s specific needs and meet specific business goals.
The majority of modern enterprise systems implement the SaaS model when software is developed using web technologies and is hosted on a cloud. Sofware as a service approach ensures rapid performance and flexibility of a system. However, some organizations still prefer traditional desktop apps as they provide greater security and control.
6 steps of enterprise software development lifecycle
The development of enterprise software requires thorough preparation, careful planning, and well-established processes. A clear vision of the project’s goal and qualified implementation get a fair opportunity to penetrate the market and even set an industry standard.
Here is your step-by-step guide to efficient enterprise software development.
Step 1: Product discovery
The product discovery phase involves an in-depth analysis of the organization’s needs. The process starts by gathering requirements from project stakeholders and adapting existing ideas to current workflows. In this way, you can answer some important questions that will affect the course of your enterprise software development project.
Step 2: Planning and estimating
Planning determines the project roadmap for meeting business goals, budget, and deadlines. Effective planning helps allocate resources wisely and avoid typical stumbling blocks during software product development. With detailed technical specifications at hand, you can identify the rough estimates for delivering an MVP.
Step 3: Design
Armed with the results gathered in the discovery phase, product designers step into customer’s shoes and walk through multiple use scenarios. After determining usability logic, designers create functional prototypes of the future enterprise system. This approach eliminates the risks of system redesign at a later stage.
Step 4: Development
From now on, developers come into play: they will set up the cloud environment and create the business logic and the user interface. Focusing on the core features is critical while developing software for the enterprise. Remember that you don’t need the most advanced software. You need software that suits your organization and delivers business value.
Step 5: Testing
The quality assurance team will perform a series of manual and automated tests to ensure the quality of code and user experience, including functional, load, compatibility, performance, and security testing. Often it means going back to the previous stage to fix bugs and improve performance, but worry not — it’s a good thing. It’s always better to find the bug yourself than letting users find the bug for you.
Step 6: Deployment and maintenance
At this stage, the freshly built and tested product moves to a production environment where users can see and try it out. Now is the best time to fine-tune your enterprise system by adding new features and improvements according to user feedback.
Technically, enterprise software development is a niche in software development. The main difference lies in the context of its use. While general software development refers to both customer-focused and business-focused products, enterprise software development targets specific organizations within a specific industry.
Using Exhibition Stands For Hire is a Flexible Option
As many people know visiting an exhibition means that you will see a great many types of exhibition stands. Some of these stands that you will see are ones which have been hired by companies for that particular exhibition. In order to obtain the right type of stand you may want to look on the internet to see the different exhibition stands for hire as this will provide you with a clear idea of what is available and how these stands look. You will find the preview option to be quite useful as you will have a better idea of whether a particular stand hiring company can provide you with the product that you need.
The various companies you will see on the internet can provide you with many different stands for hire as well as helpful options and sometimes accessories you might find quite useful. Since there are numerous companies as well as a multitude of items which can be used with these stands it is in your interests to see what type of stand and other accessories and tools you can use. You should also make sure that you understand the terms and policies which each of these companies have with regards to the hiring of these stands.
In addition to seeing these items of information, you should also try to see how these different stands can fit in with your requirements for participating in an exhibition. This is important as you will need to have the requirement information at your side when you are looking through different types of exhibition stands for hire which are available. To ready yourself for this aspect of hiring a stand you may wish to consider the reason for participating in one of these events. For instance are you demonstrating some item, or are you taking part in a view only exhibition – such as artwork – or are you selling goods or information.
Based on this need you will find it easier to choose from the numerous stands for hire. This means that you will be able to look at the various shapes and sizes of these stands and envision which ones will provide you with the space and looks that you require. You can see the dimensions of these stands given on some of the online company pages. In addition to seeing these dimensions you will have the chance of seeing if you need to hire or buy a graphics wall or over head banners.
You should find out well ahead of time if there is any way that you can customise the exhibition stand. By taking the effort to find these various details out you will make sure that you are choosing an exhibition stands for hire company that will suit your needs and ensure that customers will desire to see what goods and services you have available for them. The end result is one which is well worth the time and effort that you put into researching the various exhibition stand rental companies. So the next time you are looking forward to participating in an exhibition you will know what to look for in renting an exhibition stand.…
3 Things You Can Do to Ensure You Get Good Results From Your Trade Show Giveaways
Miracle May 18, 2021 Article3 Things You Can Do to Ensure You Get Good Results From Your Trade Show Giveaways
Promotional items are very popular at exhibitions and trade shows. By putting a few promotional pens on the desk at the front of your stand, you are bound to attract people to visit you to discuss your products and/or services. Free promotional gifts have a proven track record at exhibitions but if you follow this advice, they could actually do a lot more for you.
1.) Keep the gifts in an easy to reach, unintimidating place: Not everyone wants to speak to you on your stand. There are many reasons why they may not want to enter into conversation such as limited time or shyness, but this does not mean they do not want to talk to you. By ensuring that they can easily pick up your promotional gift and brochures, they can get your details and contact you when they feel comfortable discussing your product and/or services.
2.) Ensure your gifts carry enough information: It is often hard to print some logos and details onto products. The print area may be too small to print all of the information you want to offer your targeted audience. If the promotional item of you choice does not have a large enough print area to print your information in a way you are very happy with, don’t buy it. There are plenty of promotional products out there in every price bracket so look until you find the best one for your needs. You will be happy you did.
3.) Get the information you require: Cheap promotional gifts are easy to give away at trade shows and exhibitions. They will promote your company and over time win you customers. In addition to the inexpensive giveaways placed on your stand, however, you should also consider offering a couple much nicer gifts such as personalised umbrellas, clocks or clothing that can be won in a business card draw. For relatively little spend, you will get a good record of the majority of people that visit your stand allowing you to pro-actively contact them.
For more information about promotional giveaways for exhibitions and trade shows, contact a promotional gift supplier that specialises in these business gift items.…
Measuring the Non-Monetary Value of Your Exhibition Program
Looking at the return on your exhibit investment often has to do with monetary gains. But what if you are among the many exhibitors whose objective has nothing to do with sales?
Are these exhibitors doomed to a life of never knowing whether their exhibit program is yielding value? The answer is “no”. Corporate and not-for-profit exhibitors can enjoy a non-monetary value of their exhibition program if they know where to look.
The 2009 Center for Exhibition Industry Research study called “The Cost Effectiveness of Exhibition Participation reported that over two thirds of respondents either agreed or strongly agreed with the following three statements:
• Exhibitions increase corporate and/or brand recognition,
• Exhibitions assist in gaining/retaining market share,
• Fewer sales calls are needed with an exhibition lead because the decision maker was able to meet with staff at the exhibition.
The conclusion was that there is additional value to a show beyond the ability to generate leads. Exhibitors who focus on lead generation alone look for a return on investment (ROI). Exhibitors who focus on non-monetary objectives look for a return on objectives (ROO)
Calculating ROO is a matter of taking the following steps.
1. Articulate your objective
Non-monetary objectives include such things as your ability to reinforce relationships with existing customers, introduce a brand message or create awareness. The trick is to think carefully about what is the primary focus of your exhibit.
2. Identify who the message is for
Except in the case of a highly focused show, rarely will one message be of interest to all the attendees at a show. It is important to create a profile of the person who will most likely respond positively to your messages.
3. Quantify
Putting a number to the objective is simplified once you have completed the first two steps. Your quantified objective now reads, “I want to introduce three key messages to fifteen senior buyers of large chain store.
See how clear it can become?
4. Determine your performance indicators
You now need to ask the question “How will you measure the results?” The answer to this question is in your performance indicators which are the tools you will use for measurement. Performance indicators can include such things as surveys, post-show web-traffic, or appointment with qualified buyers. Choose the performance indicator that makes most sense for measuring the specific objective. When you change your objective you may also need to consider changing the performance indicator.
5. Establish your benchmarks
Benchmarks are an important consideration with non-monetary objectives. Benchmarks provide you with an objective method of measuring improvement. Let’s say that your non-monetary objective is to reinforce brand awareness and you choose to measure it with a survey of booth visitors. Before visitors leave you should ask them a few pointed questions which will reveal their perception of your brand before they entered the booth and the change in their perception after the visit.
Let’s say that at a show you found an increase of 20% in visitor’s awareness of your brand message. The next time you go to this show you now have a benchmark which you can use when making changes to your display and your booth personnel’s approach. You might target to increase the percentage or leave the percentage the same but at a lower cost.
You may always have thought that there was real value in your exhibit program. Now you have a way to prove it.…
Trade Show and Exhibition Stands
Trade Shows, Expos and Conferences require careful planning. However what is often forgotten until days to spare, is what you are taking and how to present it. Try to order your portable signs with a few weeks to spare at the very least. This gives the supplier time to get stock in and you to make changes to any artwork and ensure you are happy with the finished results.
So often it’s a rushed process and it gives you no time if things go wrong. Disappointing portable signs or the wrong choice means your company will not be represented in the best possible way. So next time you after a Banner stand, Display Board, Exhibition Stands or Pop Up Displays then plan ahead with time to spare.
Once you know what portable signs you are taking then plan your display booth, you know the size and shape of the booth so you need to maximize this to your advantage. Put the larger items at the rear such as a Pop Up Display and the shorter items such as brochure displays or promotional tables at the front.
Most Trade shows will last only a few days, some of the bigger ones a week, but as its usually expensive to exhibit, you want to make sure you make the right impression. You need to capture the customers attention quickly and research has indicated you might be lucky to get only 3 seconds.
As your business is competing against many other booths you need to ensure you create a simple booth that conveys your message. Don’t overpower potential customers with flashy booths that distract and confuse. Simply ensure your visitor receives the information they need, to make a decision favorable to your company.
Many businesses find that trade shows can be one of their best sources of new business, as well as a good way to attract media attention, so make sure you plan your booth very carefully and give yourself time. If you budget is limited look for quality portable signs, not the cheapest. Its true some people might not notice poor quality signs but many will. Some Banner stands I have seen are of such poor quality, that everyone will notice them, the graphics looks cheap and the media used will curl and is see through. Why bother going through the expense of exhibiting at a Trade Show and then use poor quality portable signs? Its better to go for less and better quality than more and cheap. After all, your aim is to display your company professionally.
All companies have a budget. There are many costs involved in exhibiting, just ensure your budget allows your booth to look professional and not cheap. Also remember if you are looking for your portable signs to be going from Trade Show to another Trade show then there is even more reason to purchase quality over price. Of course like most things you can get things a bit cheaper for the same portable signs but if it’s a lot cheaper you will need to know your research. There is usually a very good reason why products are much cheaper an most of the time it has to do with quality.…
Bespoke Exhibition Stands Are Customized to Your Needs
So you are probably wondering just what bespoke exhibition stands are – well, to put it simply, a bespoke stand is just a stand that has been customised to suit the specific needs and requirements of your company. Now you’re probably wondering just how necessary this is – after all, there really are so many stands available, of every size and shape and colour – is it really necessary to customise one? Perhaps it would be best to just choose a suitable stand from ‘out of the crowd’?
Remember, if you are considering the added investment represented by a customised stand, that it is crucial for a company to stand out from the competition at any trade fair or exhibition, and if bespoke exhibition stands could do this for you, you should consider them. If you spend a little more to accomplish this, it is certainly balanced out by the greater returns your company will experience in terms of increased visibility, a larger customer base, and ultimately, increased sales. And you should also remember that if you try to save too much on your investment at the next trade fair, you might find that your losses in customers and sales far outweigh your savings.
Remember, a trade fair is an immense opportunity that you can use to your advantage. You can enhance your brand image among customers, you can demonstrate your superiority over your competition – always a plus with customers, and you can demonstrate just what a dynamic company you represent. Innovation – innovation and originality – as represented by bespoke exhibition stands, will lead to success at any such exhibition.
This is why a trade fair represents an opportunity that must be seized, and doing so requires that you allocate sufficient funds in your budget to this. Remember, your investment will be returned as brand imaging and sales – and that these returns stretch into the long term.
Now we all know that a customised stand is hardly the only way to harness this opportunity. There are other effective methods, and there is no reason you should not use these in tandem with your custom stand. If you have spent more on your bespoke exhibition stands, make sure people see them by having your employees wander through the grounds of the exhibition, handing out promotional material and directing people towards your exhibition. These staff can also hand out promotional gifts and items – perhaps a customer who does not even visit your stand will take one of these home and give you a call later. And of course you should never neglect to put up a large banner above your stand, that will beckon people from across the fair grounds.
But remember that these are all things that your competition can do too. That is why the bespoke exhibition stands are really the core of your strategic marketing. With their extremely original and eye-catching design, and its custom graphics panels, this stand will hold the attention of your customers and will draw potential customers into seriously considering your company.
Study different companies, review their past work, and choose one to build your stand whose past work you like best – the ‘style’ of this company will naturally suit your inclinations and needs and the work they do for you is far more likely to satisfy you. Then go ahead, and enjoy the benefits of a custom exhibition stand.…
Bespoke Exhibition Stands Can Come in Many Forms Such As Modular Or Pop-Up Stands
Miracle May 3, 2021 ArticleBespoke Exhibition Stands Can Come in Many Forms Such As Modular Or Pop-Up Stands
For many people exhibitions are one of the best ways they can see products they want close at hand and ask any questions they might have. At the various exhibitions that you might have attended in your life you will see many different types of exhibition stands being used. Of these you may have the chance of looking at a bespoke exhibition stand. These stands are unlike many of the ones that you will usually see at various exhibitions in that they have designed specifically for a client’s needs and requirements. One of the best places for you to look for these types of exhibition stalls will be on the internet.
Here you will be able to look at the numerous online suppliers of stands and booths for exhibition, who will provide you with sample designs which should help you with choosing a design and style for your exhibition stand. As you look at the different types of exhibition booths and stands that you can order you will see how each bespoke exhibition stand makes the products being displayed or sold stand out better in order to catch the eye of potential customers. It is with this idea in mind that designers of these exhibition stalls will talk with their clients to see what requirements need to be fulfilled in order that one of these customised stands will fulfill the task it was designed for.
Among the various types of stands you can find being used in exhibitions you will see ones which are modular in looks, there are pop up displays which can be used to great effect as well. However when you look at each of these exhibition stands you will need to imagine how a bespoke exhibition stand will attract potential customers amidst the numerous other exhibition display stands you may see in one location. To help you choose the best type of stand and online company you may first want to look at the site of the exhibition.
Here you will see what sort of lighting is available in the hall. How large a space you will have available to showcase your products from the other stands which may be seen. You should also make sure that you know where the entrance and exits are to ensure that you plan on choosing an exhibition stand which can be easily seen and recognised even from those areas. Once you have looked over these details the next items that you should investigate are that of the products you wish to have in the exhibition.
While at first you may not see how these product choices can affect the bespoke exhibition stand you wish to buy, close examination will provide you with an idea of the size the exhibition stand needs to be in order to display the products clearly and prominently as well as allow ample space for potential customers to walk in and around the product displays as well as allowing staff to interact with the customers efficiently. Examining the products will also help you to see what materials and colours need to be used in an alluring display in order to catch the eyes of everyone who passes by. Considering these points will help you when you are looking on the internet for a supplier who can provide you with these unique looking exhibition stands.…
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